Optimize your box
To run a benchmark, run the corresponding command. It will look in the default Steam install location. For standalone, cd to the root of your Factorio install first.
Windows (PowerShell)
powershell -command ". { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'tls12, tls11, tls'; iwr -useb https://factoriobox.1au.us/scripts/benchmark.ps1 } | iex"
Linux (bash)
curl -s https://factoriobox.1au.us/scripts/benchmark.sh | bash
Terms of Use/Privacy
We collect minimal necessary hardware information for the purpose of sharing high performance configurations with other players. You assume all liability for damages our scripts may (unlikely) cause, and we provide no warranty for our scripts. Use of the scripts we provide constitutes acceptance of our privacy statement and terms of use.